As the pandemic continues to challenge the market, Argus will discuss their forecast for 2022 on Tuesday, December 14th at 2 pm Eastern Time.
Data from six abstracts advancing cannabidiol (CBD) research, two of which highlight the results of a survey of American caregivers that provide insi
The US Food and Drug Administration's warnings have not stopped people from taking livestock deworming drugs that they believe can treat COVID-19.
Poison control centers across the country have received an increasing number of calls about ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug commonly used to t
The latest report on the ectoparasitic drug market provides a detailed assessment of related vertical businesses and a brief overview of industry segmentation. The study provides an exceptionally feasible estimate of the current industry scenario, and also mentions the market size of ectoparasiti
Associate Professor of Pharmacy, University of Connecticut
Jeffrey R. Aeschlimann has received funding from NIH for a collaborative research project focused on bacterial antibiotic resistance.
The University of Connecticut provides funding as a member of The Conversation
Některé study ukazují, že ivermektin nepřímo pomáhá tam, kde Lidé trpí střevními parazity.
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Ivermektin patří mezi oblíbené přípravky při domácí léčbě covidu – a to přesto, že vědecká komunita se na jeho účincích nedokáže shodnout. Americký lékař Scott Alexander se pokusil vysvětlit, proč v některých výzkumech v rozvojových zemích lék funguje, ale když
Sledujte další díl reportážní série Do posledního dechu. (Video: Vojtěch Gibiš, Seznam Zprávy)
Skoro třetina pacientů nemocnice jsou covidem nakažení lide. Nejhorší situace za celou dobu pandemie. Vsetínský špitál se v posledních týdnech ocitl na hraně svých kapacit
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Circula en redes sociales un artículo publicado en el site ZeroHedge junto al siguiente texto: "Pfizer LANZA IVERMECTINA". Y la publicación, además, agrega: "A partir del lanzamiento de este clon Patentado de Ivermectina el tratami
Keith Smith's wife appeared in court to receive ivermectin for his COVID-19 infection. He died Sunday night, a week after he received his first dose of the controversial drug.
Smith has been in the UMPC memorial for nearly three weeks and has been in the intensive care unit of the hos
The coronavirus (COVID-10) pandemic has affected many companies in almost every industry. Its global impact may continue for some time.
According to Telegana Today, for Suguna Foods, India’s leading poultry company, this means that its future strategy is to focus on two key areas...